Monday, April 13, 2009

artificial lighting

Karina Elzinga
graphic design major/track star
April 2009


  1. i really like the colors in these--the red looks so great with the blue sky! i like the variety of poses in these. good job playing around with light options in just one area.

    the second picture is really white in the corner--it's really bright. it's a little distracting.

    anyway, nice work!

  2. The sky seems to also work well for you! I think that bringing the brightness down a bit would look best.

  3. show me how to fix it if you can...the top right corner is the direction the sun was coming from. that is why it is so bright....brighter than the left corner.

  4. you can't fix it now... that would be something you would do with the original exposure of the photo when you took it. since the camera recorded the blown out whites there's no other information there that could be brought out in photoshop. but i wouldn't worry about that too much. your lighting looks great. good job with the reflector!

  5. I like the way that the red in the photo stands out so much. I also like the clouds. It does seem a bit bright though.
